Cancer is multifaceted, and generally treated with big pharmacy products, like chemical, radiation and chemotherapy. What if there were foods that naturally killed cancer? Now discuss the some food that can get rid of cancer cells developing in our bodies.
Blueberry and raspberry: Blueberries and raspberries are
plants that are well known by their anti cancer capability , especially when it
comes to ovarian cancer. Photochemical are the reason why they have their dark
hue and the secret of their effectiveness, which are proven to be great for
cancer prevention.
Green tea: Tea is the best source of catechins
in the human diet, and green tea contains about three times the quantity of
catechins found in black tea. In laboratory studies, green tea has been shown
to slow or completely prevent cancer development in colon, liver, breast and
prostate cells.
Tomato effect: According to recent Harvard
research, there is up to 50% reduction in chances for prostate cancer in people
who regularly ate cooked tomatoes. It was proven that tomatoes are incredibly
effective in inhabiting the angiogenesis, and reason why
this fruit is so
effective is that they contain high amounts of a substance called lycopene,
which has strong anti angiogenic properties. In addition, lycopene concentration
increase when it is subjected to higher temperatures. That is why cook to
tomatoes are very effective when it comes to stopping cancer growth.
Dark chocolate: For many people this is almost
unbelievable. Dark chocolates is an incredibly tasty dessert. Which also
happens to be incredibly to eat,it is good for your heart condition, your
overall happiness and also for fighting cancer cells.
Turmeric: This plant has various health
benefits, and it is well known by the effectiveness in fat reduction, turmeric
is also used as a preventive measure against cancer. It seems to be able to
kill cancer cells and prevent more from growing.