Importance of good nutrition for health

For a good health proper nutrition plays important rule in our body. Good nutrition that able to fight off function property of a body and infections. But many people avoid the healthy food for their several reasons including lack of knowledge, prejudice, exhaustion.   Unfortunately poor sleep, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes and lack of energy that can be lead by bad nutrition.  

Nutrition basic
The important issue of that good nutrition dose not measured by counting calories. That measure by which foods is healthy or not. The health experts are divide the nutrients system into two ways. These are
 macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients refers that the body needs in large amount of nutrition. Such kinds of macronutrients are carbohydrates, fats, proteins.
Micronutrients refers that the body needs in smaller amount of nutrients. Such kinds of nutrients are water, vitamin B1, B2, B6, Iron ect.

Improve energy and mental clarity
The important benefits of a healthy diet is increased energy and mental clarity. Because the body is finally getting all the micro and macronutrients it needs to function properly and rejuvenate itself on a cellular level.

Weight reduction
In a human body overweight is a big issue for good health. When a person live with a good health this person eating a good nutrition foods then he build a healthy body. The nutrition foods decrease the weight because there is not enough fat and calories.

Improved health and wellness
In your daily eating menu you must be avoid an unhealthy foods for improve your health and wellness. For healthy foods can improve your health and wellness by increasing the strength of your bones and teeth,
by increasing your energy level and mental clarity, reduces your weight, proper sleep and decreasing your risk for high blood pressure and diabetes.
Healthy bones and teeth
Building the healthy bones and teeth you must need to maintain proper calcium and vitamin D in your daily life. Calcium can helps build bones and teeth, while Vitamin D is also help the body absorb the calcium. You can got this nutrition by consuming low fat milk, green leafy vegetables.

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