Powerful Tricks and Tips for Secure WordPress Website ForEver

WordPress is one of the most famous content managing blogging platform in the internet World. Most of the people like to install WordPress. WordPress is one of the most popular Open source blogging platform. Minimum 4.5% blogger want to install their website WordPress. It provides hosted or non-hosted blogging platform. One is WordPress.com which is the hosted, another one WordPress.org which is the non-hosted blogging platform. The installation time is minimum 76.6 million. But unfortunately, the popularity of blogging platform brings a lot of risk and disadvantage. According to the hacking report by the hacking specialist company SECURE. They have published the yearly hacking report. By their record, WordPress is the most popular hacked CMS in the cyber world. However, there are many processes to secure WordPress site. If you don’t know how to secure WordPress forever.

The hacking possibility of WordPress Site less than others. Although, if you want to secure WordPress site. As lots of WordPress user is the professional blogger. They are earning something by posting their website. So, if you want to secure WordPress site just follow my instruction step by step. To secure WordPress site, you have needed some requirement. You have to access the ability to the administrator area and access to your hosting platform area. If you are the administrator of your WordPress site, you have to access your WordPress site to secure your site.


There are a lot of steps to secure WordPress site. Most of the people want to secure their WordPress but blogger can’t explain fully. In this tutorial, I am going to talk about the security system managing system. If you are going to follow my instruction, I recommended you read this article very carefully. After following my instruction, you can easily manage security system of your WordPress site.


    Keeping WordPress Update is one of the best ways to secure WordPress site. It is a 1st and most important trick to secure WordPress site. If you want to save your WordPress Site from hacking and malware. At first, you need to use the up to date your WordPress software. When the latest version WordPress comes, you will get some elementary advice so that you can easily update your systems.

    Although only 22% users are used the latest version but I recommended you, you have the need to update your WordPress Blogging platform. The updated core is working automatically when your WordPress software needs to update. It works for the reason of minor security and secure WordPress site.


      If you are the admin administrator of a Website. Are you using the dictionary Word as an Administrator username? Are you using a more common number like Admin, your name, website name, and others common numbers? If my question answer is positive, your website is making hacker’s attempts. As a result, your website breaks down into your administrator area. As soon as you have to change your administrator username. Otherwise, your WordPress website will be highjacked. I recommended you, don’t use the simple and common word and number.

      You have to mix up numerical numbers and characters to each other. If you want to secure WordPress site, you have the need to create new administrator username and choose a totally new password. After creating the new administrator, you have to delete the old administrator. At first, you have to access WordPress dashboard. After then you have to go the User section and press the Add New section. In this section, you can create website administrator just like given bellow instructions.

      After creating the administrator username and password. You have the need to re-login your website using the new username and password. And then go to the User Section and select the user profile. After going to the user profile, you have to delete old administrator. If you don’t use the highly secure password, your WordPress Site will be hacked by the hackers. After using this method, your website is more secure. The possibility of hacking is less than before.

      3. Enabling 2 Step Authentication

      Normally, If you are trying to log in your WordPress site, you have the need only "Username" and PassWord. We are using very secure and long length password which helps to secure your WordPress site. You have heard that Google supplies 2 step Authentication system called 2-step verification. But if you want to enable two-step verification which secures WordPress Site. There are lots of plugins are providing these special facilities in WordPress. At the beginnings, you have to install this plugin from WordPress site. Now, I am going to show you some plugin which helps you to create 2-step authentication.
      1. Google Authenticator,
      2. Clef,
      3. Two-Factor Authentication,
      4. Duo Two-Factor Authentication,
      5. OpenID,
      6. Authy.
      Two Step verification is the most important parts forever. If you enable two-step verification on your website which adds a new layer in the login pages. Two-step verification is the common security system. Most of the people are using this security system on their email account, online bank, and others social medias account. Why not use this very securable system on WordPress site.

      4. Disabling PHP Error Reporting

      PHP error reporting is very important at all but sometimes it is very harmful to your WordPress site.  When you are working in developing and in this time PHP error reporting very importing. But, After launching your website some notification will be showing your control panel. In this notification, you will be getting some instruction which is very harmful to your WordPress site.

      To skip this error reporting problem, you have to disable PHP error reporting system. Many hosting providers are using lots of facilities to fixing the PHP error reporting. Don't worry, if you don't know how to disable PHP error reporting for your WordPress site. 

      error_reporting(0);  @ini_set(‘display_errors’, 0); 
      If you want to disable PHP error reporting system, you need some requirement which helps to disable it. You have to edit the edit wp-config.php files.You have to paste the code into the WordPress theme wp-config.php file. After then, your WordPress error reporting service will be turn off.

       5. Not using nulled WordPress Themes 

      Nowadays, Most of the WordPress sites owner are using nulled WordPress theme.In the nulled and free WordPress theme have lots of bugs and hacking system. If you are using nulled themes, your WordPress site facing some fatal error and others types of error. Not using nulled WordPress theme is one the best-recommended tips to serve your WordPress site from hacking. A lot of nulled themes and plugins website are including in the internet marketplaces. The hacking possibility is increasing a lot by using the nulled WordPress theme and plugin.

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