Microsoft Product Feature and Many Unknown Things About Windows
Microsoft Product corporation released a graphical user interface operating system and environment which named is Windows on 20 Nov 1985. Windows is the graphical interface operating system for the reason windows in the most popular operating system all over the world. Microsoft released windows after the release of Mac OS but for the reason less cost able windows overtake the popularity of Mac OS. Mac OS introduced on 1984 on the other hand Windows released on 1985. Microsoft corporation released the windows operating system for the reason of dominating the personal computer all world computers. But, Now Microsoft Product is losing their major popularity after releasing the android operating system.
Android is the product of google corporation. Google is the largest internet based multinational American company. Android is the smartphone operating system after coming android operating system in the marketplace windows is losing their popularity day by day. Windows devices selling less than 25% of the android supported smartphone. But now Microsoft corporation are facing the challenges of google product android OS. For the reason, Microsoft invented windows 10 which are supporting tablets, PCs, smartphones with embedded devices. On windows, 10 many features are adding Microsoft corporation on their new operating system (Windows 10).
Microsoft released many client version operating system after publishing their product. All of the releasing operating system windows 7, windows 8, windows 8.1 and windows 10 becomes the popular and famous operating all over the world. Now I am going to talk about the feature of windows 7, windows 8, windows 8.1 and windows 10 and also I talk about the popularity and download link of these windows edition with activation key from Microsoft Product official website.
Window 7 is the most popular operating system for the reason of performance and the network capability. The codenamed of the windows 7 is Vienna which formerly named Blackcomb. Windows 7 OS is the personal computer usable operating system which developed by the Microsoft corporation. Windows 7 is the part of windows NT families operating system.
Windows 7 OS is the personal computer usable operating system which developed by the Microsoft corporation. Windows 7 is the part of windows NT families operating system which were released on manufacturing 22 July 2009 and available market on the day of October 22, 2009, also on internet marketplace and another e-commerce website. Windows 7 was an incremental upgrade to the operating system primarily intended for the address of windows vista. Windows 7 is the increment version of windows Aero. Windows 7 is the user interface which is introduced by the windows vista. On theses windows, edition has some feature and management feature which is help users all-time.
Microsoft Product [Windows 7]:
Windows 7 is the operating system which was developed by the Microsoft corporation and which is the American multinational software company. The release date of windows 7, July 22, 2009, at this time Microsoft released many editions of windows 7 which are Ultimate, Enterprise, Professional, Home Premium, Home Basic, and Starter. All edition is the most popular but also professional and Ultimate edition is mostly used all over the world. On the windows 7, there are many new features than the previously released operating system.
On the windows, 7 also has touch and recognition support for virtual hardware hard disks which increasing your personal PCs performance on the multi-processor, improve your boot performance, kernel improvement and also have Direct Access feature on the windows 7. On the windows 7, you can easily turn on and turn off your unchoice feature from your computer. The game is the most popular software for all and Microsoft adding on the windows 7.
For this reason, any game player easily plays a chess game and others games by the reason of addition of new feature on windows 7. Window 7 developer adding some new feature for the reason of supporting system of windows 7 is multiple heterogeneous graphics cards which are from different vendors. On the windows 7 adding totally new windows media player also have new gadgets for Windows media player center, also have improved media features with XPS Essentials Pack, windows PowerShell.
Windows 7 is available in six different versions or edition of which called the Ultimate, Enterprise, Professional, Home Premium, Home Basic, and Starter but all of this Ultimate and professional are available on all country over the world. Home Premium and Professional is the best for the aim of the business sector. If you want to install windows 7 operating system on your personal computer, you have a need to buy windows 7 OS. There are two types of windows 7 ones is 64bit and another is the 32bit operating system.
If anyone wants to install windows 7 on your operating system may have some system requirement to install windows 7. If you want to install 32bit operating system minimum 1GHz IA-32 processor, 1GB Ram, DirectX 9 graphics card with WDDM driver model 1.0 with 16GB hard drive disk and Optical driver for your computer DVD-ROM. For the windows 7 64bit 1GHz x86 and x64 bit processor, 2GB RAM, DirectX 9 graphics card with WDDM driver model 1.0 with 20GB hard drive disk. If any want to know more information about windows 7 go to their official website.
Microsoft Product [Windows 8]:
Windows 8 is the personal computer operating system which was developed by the American multinational software company named Microsoft. Windows 8 is the part of the windows NT family member of the operating system and released on August 1, 2012. Window 8 is available in the marketplace on October 26, 2012. Windows 8 is the newly graphical user interface and Microsoft developer added a new feature on windows 8. The user can easily update their operating system and other software through by the windows store.
Windows store is the newly feature on windows 8. The introducing and popularity of windows 8 operating system it’s platform and graphical user interface. Windows 8 is the best graphical user interface than windows 7. Windows 8 is the newly operating system which is developed by Microsoft for new aimed previously windows edition can’t support on the mobile but now windows are supported android system and others smartphone.
Windows 8 is the mixing critical reception which is the increment edition of windows 7 and also windows 8 is supported on different Microsoft mobiles and tablets. Windows 8 is the increment edition of windows 7 for these reasons many new features on these new Microsoft editions. On the windows, 8 include faster startup system which is totally maintained the system of UEFI integration and the new Hybrid boot mode. On the windows also have new notification bar and clock also have windows kernel shutdown system. Windows explorer which renamed by the File Explorer and also contain a ribbon which place by command bar. For the personal files and computer, personality maintains the security and pin system also include image log in system. Like windows 7 also windows 8 released six different editions of windows 8.
Windows 8 pro is the comparison with windows 7 professional and windows 7 Ultimate editions. As an additional on windows, 8 operating system have the ability to transfer files and document from others computer by the remote Desktop software which is included on the windows 8 editions. On the windows 8 also have the ability to participate windows server domain, Hyper-V, encrypting file system and Virtual hard disk booting system also have Grouping policy system on windows 8 as well as BitLocker. If anyone wants to install windows 8 on your computer and where have some minimum hardware requirement for windows 8. Minimum processor component is 1GHz clock rate IA-32 or x64 architecture supported for PAE, 32bit OS system you have to need 1GB memory and for 64bit OS 2GB internal memory but the recommended is 4GB internal memory.
Microsoft Product [Windows 8.1]:
Windows 8.1 is the latest version windows 8 because of it’s all feature and configuration totally same of windows 8. Though on the windows 8.1 has some new feature and configuration, as a result, windows 8.1 is separate from windows 8. The startup is totally changed and like windows 8, on the windows 8.1 does not have any windows game but windows 7 have some gaming which helps user to play something. On the other hand, windows store helps the user to shop and buy any software and game. To buy any windows store software you have need to create Microsoft account. If you have already a Microsoft account buy any windows software through Microsoft account.
Microsoft Product [Windows 10]:
Windows 10 is the latest edition of Microsoft product corporation operating system previously many operating systems was released but windows 10 is the awesome and best configuration for all personal computer. Windows 10 is the member of windows NT OS family. This OS earning much popularity because of universal application and expanding on a Metro-style application which helps to design and run all platform of windows product. Also, it was released on July 29, 2015, and available on the market July 29, 2015. Microsoft developer was designed windows 10 graphical user interface but result from a result windows 10 are supported on a tablet, smartphone, PCs, and others embedded operating systems. Windows 10 has a positive review which helps any user mostly because of Microsoft released windows on their official website windows 10 original editions of windows 10 and totally free.
Windows 10 is another Microsoft Product. It has new user interface and desktop where contain new iteration of startup menu. The startup menu can easily be resized and also expanding full windows. Windows 10 developer design for the reason adding many additional feature windows 10. The taskbar viewing new model on windows 10 which help to find open and working files, videos, document, and other systems. On windows 10 also have battery server to save battery life and also have power saver. Some new feature I describe bellow. WiFi and hotspot have as a default feature on windows 10 also have security system pin code and password with fingerprint with image or photos password book which helps any people security and saves their personal document. If you want to know more information about windows 10 you have the need to go their official website on Microsoft corporation.