Best 8 Blogging Platform Specification and Reviews [ Updated - 2017]

Blogging Platform is a platform where includes the facilities of managing your content to publish on the internet. The most popular blogging platform a lot but some kinds of popular platform choose at first sight. Most popular and most attractive blogging platform is WordPress. WordPress have two types once is hosted and another one non-hosted. In the self-hosted or non-hosted WordPress blogging have special characteristics to publish and managing tools. In the WordPress have millions of plugins which help to customize the theme options and SEO optimization.

SEO plugin is the most powerful plugin of WordPress self-hosted blogging platforms. Another hosted WordPress blogging platform have lifetime hosting capacity and unlimited disk space. But in the hosted WordPress, a blogger can’t domain mapping without any cost. If anyone wants to map your own domain, you need to buy hosted platform from them. Like self-hosted WordPress blogging platform, you don’t get any SEO plugin and tools. The second blogging platform in the internet world is Blogger is the product of google. So, now I am going to discuss all information of blogging platforms.

Top 8 Blogging platform list

  1. (self-hosted),
  2. (online),
  3. Blogger (Google Product),
  4. Tumblr,
  5. Medium,
  6. Ghost,
  7. Square space and,
  8. Wix

Top 8 Blogging Platform Special Characteristics and Reviews

#1: (Self-Hosted): is the website managing software. If anyone can want to use it offline because it is downloadable. It is the top-ranking blogging platform. is the best self-hosted blogging platform where includes lots of SEO tools. was starting in 2003. In this time, it was starting at a single bit of the code which helps to enhance every writing typography.

In that time, few users joining in the Blog. After then, it had been the largest self-hosted blogging platform all over the world. Now, millions of bloggers joining and installing their website on The main reason for the popularity of depending on their different types of tools. The popularity of is increasing day by day.

WordPress is an Open Source Project which anyone can download from their official website. The hundreds of people all over the world working on it. If you want to create your own blogging theme, you have the need to download it from here. After downloading this software, you can easily use by installing on your localhost. Localhost is the free open source software which runs your WordPress software.

If anyone wants to install on your website, you need minimum requirement to install it. You need the self-hosted hosting system which provides you lot of online storage facilities. built on PHP and MySQL. taking their licensed under the GPLv2. WordPress is the fresh software and Open source software. After then, their root directory built and developed in 2001.

The doesn’t provide any hosting services, it is totally free and open source easy downloaded software in the online. They don’t provide any kinds of the custom domain. The software and blogging tools are free to use any self-hosting services. In the store of are including lots of WordPress themes, Plugins, Visual editor, drag and drop design capacity. By the reason of open source lots of developer easily customize all info and design platforms. In the store minimum, 420000+ free plugin and free WordPress theme included.

#2: (online):

WordPress built another hosted blogging platform by the WordPress software is called It is the 2ndpopular blogging platform. WordPress is the non-hosted version and is the hosted blogging platform. Anyone can register here by their Gmail account. It has lots of features and all features are maintaining the WordPress company. Free, Personal, Premium, and Business are the four plans available on the The free planning is totally free for lifetime, Personal plans are $2.99 per month, $8.25 per month is for Premium plans, $24.92 per month for business plans.

In the normally, you can get the free subdomain like Also, you can easily add the custom domain on If you want to buy a domain from, this company will give you 2GB data space totally free. You have to buy a custom domain minimum $18 per year. If you are new in the, no need any skill to use Because like, It has lots of themes but you can’t use any 3rd party plugin or Apps on this blog site.

Some bloggers want to start their blog, I recommended them, you need to start at because it is totally free to use and you create the custom link and also use lots of themes. Another great news about blogging platform, easy to transfer their site hosted on the non-hosted account. WordPress is most famous because of their special characteristics.

This special characteristic is anyone can easily get start their professional blogging by the WordPress hosted site is for them who can’t buy any domain and hosting. There are lots of examples who are starting their blogging by WordPress hosted version. After then, they are starting their blogging on the WordPress hosted version, they easily move their site in the self-hosted in It is possible because of it have included hosting and domain.

#3: Blogger (Google Service):

Blogger is Google Product which is hosted blogging platform. By using this blogging platform earning some money for the life on their blog site 3rd party ads. This free facility only for hosted Blogger or BlogSpot. Others free hosted and sub-domain can’t provide this facility. If you want to learning something and you don’t have the ability to buy the top-level domain. But, you want to earn some money by posting on your blog site. In this reason, Google’s Blogger is the best-hosted blogging platform than others.

Like others blogging platform, it has some special features. If you want to create a blog in the You need Gmail account and sign in your standard Gmail account. provides hosted site with no cost which is totally free to use. Anyone who create a blog site Google easily creates the custom domain. It is not important for buying domain another company. But in, you have to buy the domain from their official website.

Designation and customization are available on If you want to change the blogger theme or template, you can it very easily and fast. If you are first in blogger, you have not taken any performance to need. In this blogging, SEO plugin and others 3rd party plugin not support. If you want to create a blogging site for your business, you have a standard Gmail account and also this Gmail account must be verified on your Gmail account by your Phone. At first, you have to go to and create a Gmail account for your business aims. There are lots of facilities and advantage of content creation. It has hosting and custom domain set up configuration.

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