High blood
pressure for hypertension is a common condition in which the force a blood on
the wall of a arteries is often very high. Arteries is the blood vesicle that
carry blood way from your heart to supply your tissue with oxygen and nutrient.
There are
three main factors affecting blood pressure on arteries walls.
output: For the amount of blood your vertical push out of your heart in each
minute. Your blood pressure goes up as cardiac output increases.
volume: The second factor of affecting your blood pressure is blood volume. For
the total amount in your body. Blood pressure also goes up as increases the
blood volume.
The third factor affecting blood pressure is resistance which is anything
working through your arteries. Several factor contribute to resistance. Such as
flexibility of your artery wall, artery diameter, blood viscosity.
blood pressure treatment: Treatment for a high blood pressure include lifestyle changes, such as
eating a healthy diet. If you are sensitive to a sodium in salt, your doctor
may recommend limiting intake a salt and highly process foods. Avoid
excessive alcohol intake, getting regular exercise , losing weight if you are
over weight and quit smoking.
types of medicine acuractly and indirectly to reduce your blood pressure by
relixing you blood vesicle with increase your diameter. These medicine are ace
inhibitor, angiotensin II receptor blockers, calcium channel blockers and
direct acting vesodialators.