Symptom of breast cancer and its treatment

Cancer is the result of mutation of the genes responsible for the growth and health of the cell in the body. This abnormal poliferation may occur to the breast cell which is called breast cancer. Breast cancer cell mays continue dividing without halt resulting in a tumer.

Breast cancer is common to woman but man are also susceptible to breast cancer. People suffering from breast cancer may not show symptom at all, especially in its early stages. But a new lump or mass in the breast can be indicated of the breast cancer. Generally any change to the breast appearance, texture, pain can be a sign of breast cancer. Nipple discharge or redness, breast or nipple pain, swelling can also be sing of breast cancer.

Screening procedures

Breast cancer has better prognosis once treated in its early stages. Thus woman are advices to undergo routine screening procedures to detect the breast cancer in earlier. Monthly self breast examination, clinical breast examination and mammography are the recommended routine screening procedure to detected breast cancer even without obvious symptom.

Risk of breast cancer

Breast cancer can be development also associate with a family history of breast cancer, early onset of mansteration, late menopause, dense breast tissue, drinking expensive alcohol.

Treatment of breast cancer

Treatment of breast cancer is depended on the type of cancer and its stages. Basic treatment option are available to breast cancer patients are surgery, which involve the removal of the cancerous tissue, radiation therafy that aims is destroy the cancer cell.